What’s your brand’s weakest link?

Your brand is only as strong as its weakest link.

Is it…

🔗 a frontline employee who isn’t aligned with your values, is cranky & dismissive with your customers, or doesn’t fully understand or align with your mission?

🔗 your business’s inconsistency in brand personality, tone or messaging?

🔗 a lack of internal alignment on (and communication of) your team’s mission and vision?

🔗 a program or service that gets lackluster results but you haven’t yet gotten around to phasing out?

🔗 your own reluctance to show up as the face of your brand because you’ve never been comfortable in the spotlight? (a common problem for service-based business owners)

Every brand has a weak link. What matters is how swiftly and decisively you’re able to strengthen (or lose) those weak links.

🔥 Even the world’s biggest brands are continually putting out fires, discontinuing products, working on their culture, and adjusting their messaging.🎙Much of the time, they deal with these weak links quickly enough that we barely even notice.

Think of your brand more like a garden than a “set it and forget it” entity. It needs the right nutrients, seasonal planning, continual tending, occasional soil turnover—and of course, weeding—to thrive. 🌱